Friday, March 26, 2010


Injury. Imagine a really bad bruise, now imagine it all over your left arm. That's what this feels like and technically there are green bruises around the fracture site. Any light pressure against it aches. Even just lying in bed. Physical therapy went well today. I learned a few exercises to get me back on the right path to recovery. My arm has also been shedding dead skin for two days, no matter how much I exfoliate, it keeps shedding. The doctor also recommends me not to drive still, but perhaps in another week, I can start driving myself short distances. After full recovery, I can begin training in kick boxing and get certified.

Friends. Those who truly care, have been there for me and that, I can appreciate. I will definitely take the time when I'm fully recovered to pay my appreciation. Thank you for supporting me through this.

Love. I realize you cannot choose the one you love, love chooses you. I hope the steps I am taking to strengthen my relationship will be a success. It will definitely be something I will cherish for a life time.

School. In another week and a half I will begin my first class. I hope to network with classmates who are either in the field or have interest in PM like myself.

- 358 days to go

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