Monday, March 29, 2010


Spending my quarter century birthday handicapped wasn't as horrible as I'd imagined. This weekend actually turned out to be quite healthy and fresh. It was also the first year in many years that I did not plan a birthday party and kind of went where the winds took me.

I spent a lovely afternoon with my boy's family at El Torito Grill where I enjoyed some California sun and the santa ana winds on the scenic balcony. Food was delicious and it had been a while since I've eaten so much, food coma kicked in. I later pampered myself getting a pedicure and dozing into a coma. Later I attended my friends' BBQ where I spent the rest of my birthday. It was great. Seeing things from a different perspective really has made me a happier person.

I have not forgotten about my goals though. 45 days after my injury, my arm is slowly healing as I try to push it just a little more each day, we'll see what the therapist has to say on Wednesday. I've received my textbooks for class that starts next week so I aim to throw myself into a library to do some quick reading through the introductory chapters.

I am excited for what lies ahead... all I need to do is implement and follow through my plans.

- 355 days to go

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