Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The past two days has been very productive. Not only was the doctor able to take off my sweat stenched splint, but I've also started purchasing books for class. I'm looking forward in receiving materials early so I can get a head start in reading.

I also start physical therapy tomorrow. Although the bone is not completely healed, the doctor strongly suggests I start moving my arm before it permanently freezes. The pain is indescribable, if not equivalent to the initial break. Just straightening my elbow is such a challenge.

I took my first fully submerged bath in five weeks. It was amazing. I also slept lying down for a full night. The arm was extraordinarily sore because every position it rested in felt bruised and ached. I'm still not recommended to drive for another three weeks.

Have I been making progress? I sure hope so.

- 360 days to go

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